How to End Bedwetting in 4 Steps

Hi this is Peter, the bedwetting coach explaining some of the methods that really worked to end bedwetting. Over the last ten years, I’ve helped hundreds of children and adults to to be dry at night with a natural four-step program. These methods are simple for small children aged three to five, somewhat more complicated for older bed wetters. The remedies that really work were discovered decades ago by those expensive enuresis consulting companies. You might have already talked to them. They charge $3,000 with a so-called money-back guarantee. From them, I learned the practical remedies and I’ll explain those in a few minutes. But it’s also a good idea to understand medical remedies, so I’ll share what I’ve learned from medical experts especially through courses taught by Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago – these guys are the real experts.

Dr. Max Maizels of Chicago Memorial teaches medical remedies to health care providers. Like me Dr. Bennett of Washington writes about behavioral modification. Dr. Hodges of North Carolina explains constipation, and why it’s one of the most common causes of bedwetting. By combining their experience, we get a multi-modal approach that treats all of the possible causes without any drugs.

Now the first thing I want to tell you is, forget everything you’ve heard. Friends, families, even doctors will tell you to restrict water, wait till the up grows that or wake them up, in fact these things can make it worse. Restricting water can cause dehydration, headaches and constipation. This prolongs, rather than ends, bedwetting. Waking and walking may get you a dry bed, but you probably know it doesn’t really fix anything. And waiting to outgrow it? Statistics show that a child who wets every night of the week won’t outgrow it soon, and 50% of ten-year-old bedwetters still have accidents in their teens. So forget everything you’ve heard.

Bedwetting is a secret problem, and the solutions are not very well known. It’s easy to fix at age three or four with changes in hydration and bedtime routines. You simply address all of the usual causes with a series of remedies explained in our step one video. Basically a child has to go to bed happy in mind and happy and body. If there’s any ache or pain, any discomfort either physical or emotional, then the child might go into prolonged deep sleep, way too deep to feel it and to learn how to hold it all night. Stress or anxiety caused by a move or by sibling rivalry combined with a small bladder end or constipation and a sensitivity to certain foods, these things seem to cause deep sleep which is the body’s attempt to repair problems.

The good news is that there’s a remedy for every one of these issues. The drykids method involves a four step program that reverses these causes to give a child a really good chance to learn what we call a vasopressin trick. You’ve probably heard about bedwetting drugs. These drugs imitate your natural vasopressin, which is the hormone that tells your kidneys to stop making urine. Isn’t it better to make the real thing? We all do it. We go to sleep and after an hour or so we get a bladder signal. If this happens in deep sleep we won’t even know it, but soon enough we’ll be sleeping lightly. And when we get that signal we think hey I’m having a dream here I don’t want to wake up. This thought triggers the hormone. Every child is ready to learn this trick at age three unless some discomfort is causing deep sleep.

Bedwetter sleep can be very different than normal sleep,they tend to drop down and stay there for hours without a chance to feel it. The trick then is to remove some of the causes, to give a child to chance asleep in normal waves. The basics of this are covered in this step one video. We’ll show you how to increase sleep awareness by changing the bedroom setup. We’ll show you how to ditch the diapers without having to wash sheets. A few changes in diet will remove the most common food sensitivities that cause bedwetting, and a bedtime exercise will set the mood to go to sleep quickly and happily.

Step one is all you need for toddlers, and it’s also the basic routine to prepare older bed wetters before going on to the more advanced routines covered in steps two, three and four. We’ll cover the medical issues which are quite rare. Basically if a child wets at night but not during the day then there’s almost no chance of a medical problem. You’ll also learn about a simple natural fix for small bladder syndrome,and see videos with your child to teach the importance of hydration. These basic lessons are in my experience more important than algebra. Imagine this, I recently explained the importance of hydration to an 80 year old lady and she called back to say that it changed her life. I also taught these simple remedies to a 22 year old girl who had accidents every night of her life, and that evening was the last time she ever wet the bed. So now it’s time to go on to step 1 ,the basics that set you up for a great sleep. Step one is free further steps are explained on this link. If you have already tried a bedwetting alarm with no success you’ll see that this is what you needed to have a chance of success.

Note: This video was not created by us, however, we thought it might help our readers by having the video and a transcript side by side. All content is copyrighted by their original creators.

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