Teenage Bedwetting

Teenage bedwetting causes more and more stress the older they get. While younger children may express their disgust over waking up in a wet and cold bed, teenager’s concerns may be quite different.

Wetting the bed as a teenager is extremely embarrassing to the teen. Usually by now, they have spent countless hours trying to get out of going to sleepovers or camp. Or, they have stayed up late at night and never slept while at a friend’s house. Not getting sleep is better than wetting the bed at a friend’s. Sleepovers usually full of fun and goofing around may be full of dread and anxiety. Even worse, a teen who wets the bed may have parents who have told their friend’s parents about their “problem.” This can be devastating.

Causes of Teenage Bedwetting

By their teens, if they are suffering from primary enuresis, or have never been dry, hopefully they have been to a doctor. This would be to rule out any physical problems. Most times teenage bedwetting is secondary enuresis, or a sudden instance of bedwetting when the teenager has been dry for an extended amount of time. This can be caused by emotional stress or even a reaction to medication.

Parents must realize that bedwetting teens know they shouldn’t be wetting the bed. Obviously it is incredibly frustrating for them. It is not because they are lazy. Kids of any age would rather be dry than wet every night. Teens who wet the bed can suffer from depression and act out in a violent matter because they wet. It is important to try and comfort your older child. Most bedwetting at this age can be helped by carefully examining the problem with your child’s counselor or a licensed psychologist as it may be a sign of simple emotional needs.

Dealing With Bedwetting

Dealing with teenage bedwetting can be frustrating for the parent as well. Forcing your teen to wear diapers or plastic pants is definitely not recommended, even though they may fit into disposable underpants such as Goodnites or Underjams. At this age, your child should take an active role in dealing with their bedwetting. This includes changing and washing sheets and clothing. It also means cleaning up after themselves. It is important to keep their bodies clean when they wet the bed, as urine left on their skin can cause a strong odor.

Using a plastic mattress cover is a discrete way to handle your teen’s bedwetting. It will also make cleaning up a lot easier. The mattress will not get stained. Plus, if the sheets are changed quickly, the smell of urine shouldn’t permeate their room.

Remember, your child is the one wetting the bed – not you. Your teen would not wet the bed if she had a choice. Examine the causes of the bedwetting and you may find the solution lies not with restricting fluids, but simply talking with them about their day.

Avoid teen diapers or underpants, and keep a positive attitude. Your child will thank you for it.