Natural Ways To Cure Bedwetting

Parents can sometimes feel irritated and embarrassed because your child wets his bed. While you may be at your wits end, remember – it’s not your child’s fault. Kids don’t want to wake up in a wet bed. Instead, you can concentrate your energies on treating your child’s bed-wetting. Fortunately, there are many natural ways available to treat bed wetting or enuresis. Unlike medications and surgery, these natural methods can be safely done at home and have no side effects.

Monitoring Fluid Intake

When it comes to controlling bed-wetting, one of the most obvious preventive measures is: never allow your child to drink excessive amount of fluids for at least one hour before bedtime. In addition, your child must cut back on drinking milk, soda, hot chocolate, and any beverages that contain caffeine, which triggers the increased production of urine. A good alternative would be giving your child a glass of juice before he goes to bed. You can also give him a light snack of raisins and walnuts before he hits the sack.

Herbal Products

The use of herbal products can help in reducing the chances of your child wetting the bed. Some of these natural remedies for bed-wetting include lemon balm, Zea, Horsetail, or Melissa officinailis. Herbal teas such as oak bark, pulstilla, bearberry, lycopodium, wormwood, ursi, and causticum are effective bed-wetting busters as well.

Bladder Training and Exercise

A good way to control enuresis is to have your child rehearse the right way of delaying urination in the daytime. When your child feels like using the restroom, you can ask him to hold it for a few minutes. This time span can be gradually lengthened for up to few hours. As a result, your child learns to control his urination even at nighttime. Aside from that, muscles around the bladder become stronger and bigger, which increases the organ’s ability to hold more urine at night.
Another exercise for both boys and girls is to have them try and interrupt their urination while using the restroom. Stopping and holding it, releasing, and repeating can help build up important muscles.
Behavioral Training
It is never acceptable to blame or make your child feel bad for wetting the bed. According to experts, enuresis is a process that a child cannot control. The good new s is this condition will usually end before a child reaches puberty. That being said, parents must be patient and supportive enough so that the child can more easily cope with the situation. Also, it is best to train the child in helping himself after wetting the bed. That way, your child learns to take responsibility for it.

Moisture Alarm System

Another natural and effective way to treat enuresis is through an alarm system that produces a buzzing sound when moisture is detected. The alarm wakes up the child so that he could urinate in the toilet instead of wetting the bed. A moisture alarm is a battery-operated device that trains your child to get rid of bed wetting. Oftentimes, it takes two to three months after using the device to solve the problem. Initially, the alarm may not bring immediate results.

By using these natural ways to cure bed-wetting, you and your child can sleep more sound and wake up fresh and awake.