Bedwetting and Self Esteem

Bedwetting can be frustrating for both parent and child and unfortunately sometimes go even deeper than that. It’s not unusual for a child’s self-esteem to take a dive if they’re feeling ashamed or embarrassed about wetting the bed. This is particularly true of older children who are being invited to sleepovers. On top of being worried about what level their friends are at, they can also feel like they’re letting you down. There’s plenty you can do to help your child if you sense that their self-esteem is suffering. Remember it might seem to rule to you and other adults, but this is a big deal for your child to always show them that you’re taking them seriously. b

Brushing it off could make things worse. Now let’s run through a quick checklist of what you can do to help boost your child’s self-esteem. First of all talk openly and honestly with your child about bedwetting. Go through the statistics tell them how common it is and reassure them that they’re not alone. In fact some of their classmates wet the bed. Never get angry or upset when your child wets the bed. Though it can be frustrating, changing sheets every night. Put on a happy face around your child and let them know everything is okay. Foster a sense of independence with your child.

Many children, particularly older children, actually prefer to change their own sheets after an accident and it gives them more control. DryNites pajama pants and bed mats are another great way to help your child feel confident about going to bed. If there are older siblings in the house, lay down the law and ban any teasing relating to bedwetting. It is important to reduce opportunities for comparison. Sleepovers are a big deal. If your child has one coming up helps prepare and practice their dry night’s routine. DryNites can’t be distinguished from real undies when worn under the pajama pants so none of your child’s friends have to know about it and if your child is a bit anxious, why not try to sleep over at your house.

Note: This video was not created by us, however, we thought it might help our readers by having the video and a transcript side by side. All content is copyrighted by their original creators.

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