Does DDAVP Help Treat Bed-wetting?

The use of DDAVP in treating bed-wetting has been controversial over the years, but it has been shown effective in helping kids stay dry for periods of time away from home such as sleepovers, camps, and other times when the use of a bed-wetting alarm may not be effective.
What Is DDAVP?

DDAVP stands for desmopressin, and also goes by the names of stimate and minirin. It is a synthetic drug that is used as a replacement for the hormone vasopressin, which reduces urine production especially at night. It can be found administered in a nasal spray, tablet form or even intravenously.

The drug DDAVP was first developed in the 1960’s by a Czech scientist named Zaoral Milan. The first tablets marketed carried the name “SD-Adiuretin Spofa.”