How Do You Cure Wetting The Bed

There is so much hope. After you watch this video, you’re going to know how to cure wetting the bed. In another video, I talked about the causes of bed wetting. What causes it. It comes down to two primary causes. A deficiency in antidiuretic hormone which is th hormone that drives us up when we’re sleeping. If you don’t have enough o that then you’re going to have a need to get up and go to the bathroom at night And the other cause has to do with deep sleeping. We’ll get into that a little more in detail today. Because that’s one that we can really do something about. Both causes have to be present in order for bedwetting to occur. Because if yo got enough hormone then you don’t have to get up and go. If you’re not sleepin so deeply then you’ll be able to get up and go when you get those signals. So, hen both are present, we have the condition. Now, that gives us some ideas about how to cure it, alright? Now, for that, let’s go to this diagram for just minute.

Your central nervous system which in about your brain and all the nerves in your body is set up to take good care of you. And it’s really programmed for efficiency. Because your brain has t take care of everything. You don’t want to have to consciously think abou everything that needs to happen. And so, a lot of things are put onto autopilot There’s a little part of your brain here called the reticular activating system That’s located near the brainstem, maybe down in this area of the brain that i in charge of, shall we say “Traffic control.” It’s directing traffic. It’ telling what to pay attention to and what to ignore. Like your shirt for example. Can you feel it? Yeah, it’s obvious, huh?

Now, that I call it to your attention. But before I mentioned it, that part of you brain was telling you, “Hey, that’s not important. Just ignore that. It’s no important.” Well, when I mentioned it, it suddenly became important just like that. And now you can feel your shirt just fine. Your shoes i you’re wearing them, “Oh, yeah. They’re there.” Obvious but completely unnotice until I called it to your attention. This is important to notice because you brain has the ability to pay attention to things are to ignore certain things.

Let’s go to the bedwetting for a minute. When you’re sleeping very deeply, the onscious part of your brain turns off. You are unconscious. That’s how we defin sleep. Not all of your brain turns off. Just the conscious parts turn off whileyou’re sleeping. The rest of the brain is still active and doing things all nightlong. And you go into different modes of sleep. And different levels of sleep. Bu that’s not what we’re here to talk about. Just realize that there are parts of our brain that are still alive and well.

What if we were to picture that in thi part of the brain, I called this the Reticular Activating System but let’ just think of this as the command center. Okay? The command center of your brai where all of the commands initiate. Now, down your spinal cord and into th nerves down here around the bladder, now I’ve drawn what kind of looks like balloon here for the bladder. Because it’s pretty good analogy. The bladder is kind of like that balloon. And that it collects the fluid that’s coming in and it starts to stretch and expand.

Now, as it stretches and expands, it trigger signals in the nerves that are attached to it. These signals get sent through hese nerves up the spinal cord to the command center. We all know what it feel like to take a big drink of water. That was a little drink. But if I were to drink that whole bottle of water, I’m going to be feeling? Yeah, right? You’ve been there you know?

You get these feelings coming up. Strong signals from the bladder. The command center say “Oh, this is important. Better take care of business before we have a problem.” And it takes you to the bathroom, right? Okay, what about when we’re sleeping? When we’re sleeping, the bladder is still filling because we don’t have enough of the hormone on board to slow it down like most people have. It’s still filling. It gets to a point where the signals aren’t going through the nerves. This is all working at this point, folks. The signals go through the nerves to the spinal cord, gets sent up here to the command center.

And the command center for whatever reason is programmed to say, “Oh, that’s not important enough.” To go to all of the work of waking up. The conscious centers of the brain tha can take us to the bathroom. “Not important. Let’s just ignore it.” Well meanwhile the bladder down here is like, “Really? I can’t hold this for much longer. And it takes care of business on its own and we got the problem. We’re wetting th bed.

So, to cure it. There are medical treatments. Usually they are som synthetic version of the hormone that dries us up at night. And it’s a one-tim fix. It like dries you up for the night. But it doesn’t fix the problem. What w want to do is train the command center to wake up the brain. “Get up! This is important. Let’s take care of this.” You know what? A lot of the kids that I’ve orked with who are bed wetters have no problem waking up on Christmas morning. Or on their birthday, or on that day where they get to go to the zoo, you know? Why? Because their brain is telling, “Oh, this is important. This is worth getting up for.” It’s not doing that with the signals from the bladder.

All we got to do is condition it. Do you remember Pavlov. Any introductor psych class is going to talk about Pavlov’s dogs. Pavlov was a scientist, a psychologist really, who was studying a… Physiologist maybe. But anyway, he was studying the reaction that dogs had. He would ring a bell and the dog was like, “Whoa, it’s a bell. No big deal, right?” Then he would ring the bell and he would do little puffs of meat powder into the dog’s mouth. And the dogs like, “Oooh.” And the dog would start to salivate because the meat powder causes the dog to salivate. That makes sense, right? Ding! Bell. No response. Poof! Meat powder. Big response. Ding! No response. Poof! Meat powder. Big response. Well pretty, pretty soon, Ding! Big response. Why? Because the dog was conditioned that when the ding goes off, I’m going to get a puff of meat powder.

It starts to anticipate that. It’s called classical conditioning. This is an old concept that we’re going to use to overcome the bedwetting. So, what we want to have happen? This is the ding own here, okay? The signals from that bladder are like the Bell. Ding! And right now, the brain while it’s sleeping is saying, “That’s not important. That’s irrelevant. That’s not significant at all.” What we want to do is create a training effect that has the brain saying, ding, “Oh, time to move. Got to get some business taken care of right here.” Alright. That’s the classical conditioning that we’re going for.

Now, how are we going to do that? I’ve written an entire training program around this. Warning: It requires positivity and commitment okay? Share this video with your child or whoever it is that you’re trying to help with the bedwetting. If it’s you then get a team together. Share this video with them and then get ahold of my training program. “”. What you’re going to get there is an e-book. Basically it’s a PDF. You can download it immediately. That has the whole training program outlined. There are exercises and programs that you’re going to go through. Read the whole thing. Let me know if you have some questions. I’m happy to help you.

But here’s how it works. It requires an alarm too. And you’re going to have to look for an alarm system that allows you to detect when there’s a wettign incident. So, I brought my cute, little underpants alarm here. Now, this particular model is designed with a strip that goes along the inside of the garment. These two snap leads connect to a little battery-powered alarm, okay? Kind of like this. It’s designed so that if there is any kind of moisture that gets into that. “Oh, yeah.” We got like a hundred decibel. Hang on. We got like a hundred decibels right there, okay? This is important because that’s the ding, alright? Actually it comes right after the ding. Because just before the alarm goes off, the body, the brain is sensing those signals from the alarm. But it’s ignore… From the bladder, I
mean. But it’s ignoring them.

The alarm typically won’t wake up the child. This is what my research showed. They’re going to sleep right through it. But who’s going to wake up? Oh, yeah. Mom, Dad, support team. It’s going to wake them up and then they are going to wake up the child. It’s all explained in the training program. But basically, we’re going to do this enough with some of the exercises that are built into the training program. We’re going to do this enough to train the command center to respond not to this alarm. To that alarm. The one that’s coming up from the bladder. And it takes, I said that there are some warnings, okay? You have to do this with positivity and commitment. Because it’s going to take my experience is anywhere from 3 or 4 nights up to 10 or 15 nights to get the training effect.

There’s a couple of other things that might surprise you. Sometimes people address this bedwetting problem by restricting fluids before bed, right? You don’t get to have a drink after seven o’clock or whatever. Actually, in the training program, we encourage fluid intake. Why? Because I want a really clear signal. You know how sometimes it’s like, “Oh, do I need to go or not? I don’t know. I could go. Maybe not.” Yeah! No. We want the signal to be “Oh!” Okay? Strong! So, we actually encourage fluid intake together with the other training elements that allow us to start to train this command center to respond to the signals from the full bladder. And it doesn’t happen immediately. You’re going to have some wetting incidents, okay?

Be ready for that, expect it. And that’s not a bad thing. It actually helps with our training program. You’re going to need to find you an alarm system. There’s a lot of these on the market. Find one that’s within your budget. I prefer the kind that are installed right in the underwear. Because you get a quicker response. You get it quicker bell than the ones that are in a pad on the bed. Or that have to go through multiple layers before they get to the signal. So, find meant alarm system that you can work with. Get that on board. Get a hold of the e-book, “”. Go through the training program, get your team assembled and let’s take this on.

I know that it works. We’ve tested it through research and clinical experience. This is something that we can get on top of. And I am honored to be on your team. let’s take it on. This is going to be some works. Stay positive. Get connected to that Ebook. Because that’s where the training program is. Remember

Note: This video was not created by us, however, we thought it might help our readers by having the video and a transcript side by side. All content is copyrighted by their original creators.

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