What Are Night Pants?

The term “night pants” has become increasingly used to describe underwear or a pull-up (or diaper) that children put on at night.  Many parents believe calling them night pants will help their child be more accepting of having to wear what is basically a diaper to bed. Whatever you may call it – night time pants are basically an absorbent style of underwear, either disposable or washable, that a child wears under their clothes if they wet the bed.

What types of night pants are common?

Night pants come in two major categories: disposable and washable.

Types of disposable night pants include:

  • Huggies GoodNites or DryNites (Boxers or Briefs)
  • Pampers Underjams (brief style only)
  • Pajama Pants (generic brand)
  • Sleep Pants (generic brand)

Some types of re-usable night pants include:

How Do Night Pants Work?

Night pants are usually designed to be easy to pull down and put back on by children in case they wake up before they wet the bed.  Night pants are worn by children of all ages, from kids just starting to potty train through teenagers who still wet the bed.  Night pants are also worn by adults suffering from mild incontinence and also adult bedwetting.

While calling the product “night pants” may work for younger children, as they get older they will realize they are basically still diapers or training pants.  It is recommended if a child is still wetting the bed after age 7 they see a doctor to make sure there isn’t a serious underlying reason for not being dry at night. After age 7, the use of a bedwetting alarm may be more beneficial and cost effective than continuing to use a disposable pant because of the price.  Using a re-usable pant is a good alternative for ages 6-10 as they will still feel wet, whereas if they used a disposable, the wetness is wicked away too quickly so there is no incentive to train to be dry.

Night pants are also worn by older kids on sleepovers and when the family goes on a vacation away from the home where a bed-wetting alarm may not be practical.